Sunday, February 22, 2015


            Hey everyone, so this is my first blog and i feel like i wanted it to be about something that is important to me as well as relevant to our everyday lives. Therefore, i chose black history discrimination as my topic. Not many people know, i am from African american decent so this subject means a lot to me because it relates to what my family has come across in the past and without racial equality, i wouldn't be here. As much as it relates to me, this subject has also blown up in the media the past couple of years with the Trayvon Martin shooting, the Mike Brown police shooting, the Ferguson attack as well as other public rants or attacks, in which i will be writing about throughout this blog

           I will also be talking about movies that have relation to black history discrimination and equality, such as 12 years a slave (which is the movie that came to mind when asked what subject i wanted to write about. It was what really inspired me to talk about this problem other than my family's past), the color purple and others. I would also like to mention popular songs that have relations to this subject, whether it was in the past, for example Black or White by Michael Jackson, or songs more recent like Be Free by J.Cole. I will mostly be writing about things that have sent a message to others bout this subject. This subject was and still is extremely relevant to our lives considering all the recent events, lives lost and unkindly discrimination and racism over something genetic that we don't have control over. It seems unfair and unnecessary to act upon, therefore, i'm going to write about it through this blog. whether many or only a few people see it, the problem in this subject needs to become more relevant to everyone.

xx until next time xx


  1. I adore the subject you chose to blog about. I believe it's very important for you to blog about what touches you personally. I would also love to hear about the different movies, songs and events you're going to talk about in the future. I totally agree with your concluding statement, more people should be aware of your subject and care more about it. Great work, keep it up! :)

    1. Thank you so much for your commentary. It is nice to see other people who agree with my statements on the subject. Feel free to add any stories or topics you would like to be informed on. I hope you continue to enjoy my blog! :)

  2. Wow, this post made me really think deeper about black history discrimination in our world and how it is really important especially you, who came from African and American decent. It is really interesting to hear about how people express their feelings and their roots through songs and movies. Thank you Kaylee!

    1. Thank you for the positive feedback Mona. I hope you enjoyed my post as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you are really interested in the expression through songs and music, please comment anything you would like to read about. I would be more then glad to inform you upon it. :)

  3. Yes I agree, everyone should be treated equally no matter how different they look are act, were all humans and I believe that we should all be treated the same. Also it was a great subject since we are currently in black history month it was a great subject to pick for your first blog, really good job and keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you Joseph. I hope you enjoyed the topic i chose to inform everyone about. Everyone should be treated the same, but since we're not, i felt it was time for others to realize how much it has an affect on people. If you have any questions or would like to know about any certain events, feel free to ask. :)

  4. This is such a great blog post! Black history discrimination is such a big topic that not many enjoy really exploring deeper because of how it may make our ancestors seem (racists and everything) but it’s a topic that we really need to discuss especially with all of the recent discriminatory acts going on in the world. I’m honestly really excited to read more from you, keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you Faith for the positive feedback. I hope you really do enjoy this blog considering your curiosity on the subject. It is very important to me so i have no problem writing about it. So if you have anything you would like to know about, please suggest a topic because I would be more than glad to do the research and inform you all upon it. :)

  5. Kaylee this subject interests me because as most people do not know I am also from African American descent. This a great subject that you could talk about a lot of different things. I like how you describe why you have decided to discuss this subject. Bringing awareness to this subject is important especially since its is still occurring as you have mentioned. I can not wait to read your upcoming blogs, and see how you take to this subject I hope to read further into the struggles of the past and present of our ancestors.

    1. Thanks mikayla! I hope you really enjoy this blog since you can relate to it so much. I've been making some posts that you might enjoy about music and entertainment as well as some of the tragic events. If you have any suggestions on what I should blog about, or any questions, feel free to leave a comment!:)

  6. Someone actually wrote a blog that I can't argue with... I'm lost for words! How could you do this to me Kaylee! I can't even believe you! I have just one piece of advice for you, capitalize your I's (like I just did). It's not too hard just press shift before you press the i key. In all seriousness I'm (like that) still mad I (see how I do it?) can't argue wIth (don't do it in the middle of a word like this though, just clearing that up for ya) this blog!

    1. Thank you Andrew! I'm honored that my blog has left you for a loss of words. I will be sure to correct myself in the following blogs for my "I" (see I,m already learning) capitilization. I hope I continue to leave you speechless with this subject.
