Monday, April 6, 2015

Trayvon Martin Shooting

Hey everyone, it's been awhile since I've posted anything. But, my last post was about the song Be Free by J.Cole. Within that song I mentioned the shooting of Trayvon Martin, in which the song Be Free was also partially inspired by. So today I will be writing about the Trayvon Martin Shooting which is what initiated the protesting and racial defense that we have all been observing lately such as the stand ups "Black Lives Matter" as well as the Ferguson defence.

February 26, 2012, 17 year old, African American teenager Trayvon Martin was shot during an altercation with one of his community neighbours' George Zimmerman. Zimmerman who was on neighbourhood watch within their gated community the night the shooting, saw Trayvon wandering about and supposedly looked "sketchy". He said that Trayvon was the one to approach him violently so Zimmerman acted in self defense and shot the young man, believing he was armed. In my opinion, that is not okay. Trayvon was an unarmed teenager and Zimmerman should not have to shoot him and the result being his death.

In my opinion, I find it extremely unfair that a young man lost his life because of racism, while someone was supposedly acting in "self defence" when the young man wasn't even armed. And the only consequence Zimmerman got was murder charges after it became such a national issue. If it weren't for the story to spread as much as it did, Zimmerman would have probably never got the murder charges, six weeks later. I find it sickening that someone could get away with a murder like that. 

This shooting started the movement "Black lives matter" and that is so unbelievably important considering the world we live in now. We are in the 21st century people, why can't the racism stop? Because it's true, Black Lives Matter.

xx until next time xx


  1. I really enjoyed reading this blog post Kaylee! I didn't know that much about this event and your facts and citations have overwhelmed me with essential information. I'm very glad I took the time to read this blog because it was very well put together. I also loved the outro, very wise! Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you Kimmy! I hope you've learned a lot about this situation. It is so unbelievably important to me and to be able to share this information with everyone, and people actually enjoying it, makes me feel accomplished. It is a great story because of all the injustice. I find the situation comepletly unfair and I'm happy to share my opinion with you.

  2. Great blog post Kaylee! I love how passionate you are about this subject. I knew quite a bit about this case due to our debates (which you guys totally creamed us in) I do truly this Treyvon was an innocent young man and it was totally unfair that he had to lose his life just because someone believed he looked "sketchy" anyways, Keep up the good work!

  3. Lol, we did pretty good in those debates if I do say so myself. But thank you, I'm so glad you've been really taking an interest to this subject. I love how my blogs can have an impact on other peoples perspectives of the situation so thank you for sharing!
