Sunday, April 12, 2015

12 years a slave

Hey everyone. I hope you're all enjoying my blog! I don't think anyone will really understand how much this subject of discrimination, is important to me. Slavery back in the day and racism continuing today, it just makes me feel some type of pain within myself. My families history is one of the main reasons why I decided to make this the subject of my blog. But, what really inspired me was the movie "12 Years a Slave". 

I love this movie. Not only for the history and the meaning behind the story, but the actors and the director made it seem so real to the point where you can feel the pain within the struggle that they've been through. To me, it's that type of movie that if one of your friends asks for movie suggestions, this would be at the top of your list. The ending touched me so much that I cried. For films, that doesn't happen very often for me. The movie was just that good. 

Now for a little bit of information on the movie. It is based on the memoir of Solomon Northup (also the name of the main character), who was a slave from 1841-1853. He was a free African-American man, with a family and a house. He was kidnapped in 1841 and sold into slavery until 1853. He worked on plantations for 12 years with not one of his masters knowing he was a free man. I don't want to give out to much information in case you haven't seen it. And if you haven't, here's the trailer. I think you should check it out.

I highly recommend for everyone to watch this movie! It is a tear jerker but it is worth it. It is based on a true story which is incredible because the movie is so sad and touching and emotional. I love watching this movie because it reminds me of how grateful you can be for someone to have made a positive impact on your life like one of the characters did for Solomon. I also love it because of the accomplishments the black community has made since then. The story is beautiful and i suggest everyone should watch it. Enjoy!

xx until next time xx


  1. Another great post Kaylee! I watched this movie not too long ago to better my knowledge on discrimination and I enjoyed it, at some parts I couldn't bare to watch and had to look away but the message throughout the whole film is inspiring, I'm looking forward to your next post!

    1. Thank you Alec! I love this movie. It is so powerful and moving and I'm glad you enjoyed watching it! If you have any questions or are curious about black discrimination, feel free to comment any ideas or questions.

  2. Hey! Looks like someone found out about the magic of the shift key! You capitalized your I's! Congratulations! I'm still mad that I can't argue with your blog post, please post one that I can argue with. Anyway, after watching the movie I think your right about (from what I've read, I've never experienced it) how it showcases discrimination, I never would have expected that from a movie called 12 years a slave! (that was sarcasm if you couldn't tell). Stop posting blogs I can't argue with and have to be mean for some other random reason. Please.

    1. I'm glad my blog posts are hard for you to argue with Andrew. That makes me feel like I'm doing this thing right. I appreaciate the sarcasm lol, please keep commenting because your commentary is very amusing.

  3. Great and powerful blog. It is certainly an important subject to explore in this day and age.

    A few grammar/ spelling issues (wasnt vs wasn’t, not vs noty), punctuation, capitalizations, etc.
    Opininion is sometimes strong and sometimes vague.
    Good use of media (what a pwoerful song.)

    I would love to hear why this issue has had such an impact on you and your family.

    I have a question for you. How can we distingusih between actual cases of racism / discrimination, and situations where violence is justified as self defense? Some argued that the Mike Brown case, for example, was self defense on the officer's part. How would you counter them?

    1. Thank you for the corrections. I will make sure to spell check another time to correct my blogs. And as for your question, I would love to answer it within my following blogs because it is very ineteresting and also something many people have been wondering. As well as why this issue has had such an impact on me and my family will be included in my final blog post. I hope you are enjoying it so far! :)

  4. Good blog post Kaylee! I'm seriously loving your blog so far, you have very strong opinions and all of your posts have been amazingly done so far. I haven't yet seen this movie but I heard that it's absolutely marvelous! I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us.

    1. Thank you so much Faith! I'm glad you're enjoying my blog. I highly suggest you watch this film and not only because i wrote a blog on it lol. It is just a very good and entertaining movie with a strong story and backround. I hope you keep reading! :)

  5. Super interesting blog post Kaylee. I have never watched this movie before. It seems very catching. I also think that racism and discrimination against the black people is very unfair and just horrible. People are just people and they should all have the same rights. I see how it is a very important subject to you. I will try to make out some of my time to watch this movie.

    1. Thank you for your commentary Mona! I hope you take the time to watch this movie. It is very touching and emotional and worth the watch. So I hope you do watch it and enjoy it. It is truly incredible. :)
